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Sunday, September 30, 2018

Book The Moment of Self-Portraiture in German Renaissance Art PDF Free

The Moment of Self-Portraiture in German Renaissance Art PDF
By:Joseph Leo Koerner
Published on 1997-02-15 by University of Chicago Press

The self-portrait has become a model of what art is: the artwork is the image of its maker, and understanding the work means recovering from it an original vision of the artist. In this ground-breaking work, Joseph Leo Koerner analyzes the historical origin of this model in the art of Albrecht Durer and Hans Baldung Grien, the first modern self-portraitist and his principal disciple. By doing so, he develops new approaches to the visual image and to its history in early modern European culture. Koerner establishes the character of German Renaissance art by considering how Durer's and Baldung's pictures register changes in the status of the self during the sixteenth century. He contends that Durer's self-portrait of 1500, modeled after icons of Christ, reinvented art for new conditions of piety, labor, patronage, and self-understanding at the eve of the Reformation. So foundational is this invention to modern aesthetics, Koerner argues, that interpreting it takes us to the limits of traditional art-historical method. Self-portraiture becomes legible less through a history leading up to it, or through a sum of contexts that occasion it, than through its historical sight-line to the present. After a thorough examination of Durer's startlingly new self-portraits, the author turns to the work of Baldung, Durer's most gifted pupil, and demonstrates how the apprentice willfully disfigured Durer's vision. Baldung replaced the master's self-portraits with some of the most obscene and bizarre pictures in the history of art. In images of nude witches, animated cadavers, and copulating horses, Baldung portrays the debased self of the viewer as the true subject of art. The Moment of Self-Portraiturethus unfolds as passages from teacher to student, artist to viewer, reception, all within a culture that at once deified and abhorred originality. Koerner writes a new, philosophical art history in which the visual image is both document of history and living vehicle of thought. He demonstrates the extent to which novel ideas about self and interpretation invented by Renaissance artists and Reformation thinkers informed modern hermeneutics and helped to found our deepest assumptions about art and its messages.

This Book was ranked at 37 by Google Books for keyword Renaissance.

Book ID of The Moment of Self-Portraiture in German Renaissance Art's Books is CVWEqfKxcwsC, Book which was written byJoseph Leo Koernerhave ETAG "/88+gtA2y4I"

Book which was published by University of Chicago Press since 1997-02-15 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780226449999 and ISBN 10 Code is 0226449998

Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true

Book which have "543 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryArt

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false

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